Saturday, August 7, 2010

Crummy Endicott Haikus

Endicott Limericks and Haikus

“I’d like a coffee”

“Sure, can I see your gull card?”

“Here’s to a long night”

The summer, quite frankly, is near,

and college kids are all giving a cheer

But sports coaches are still coaching

And though our finals are approaching...

No worries, we’re almost in the clear!

Sitting in my class

Writing notes down is boring

Phew, it’s almost done

On the train with friends

Here comes the ticket puncher

“The family rate, please?”


  1. Totez enjoyed the haiku, specially enjoyed the last one. I always hope I'm counted as a family of one during subway travel, though I seldom am. Hope you'z and dwightenhymer are swell!


  2. OF COURSE YOU ARE! Forever and always! I'm fine. I go to Disney today!
