Greetings followers,
Sorry I haven't updated in some time. It's probably because I've been busy with my internship! I'm currently working alongside author Renata Bowers, creator of Frieda B. Published early on in 2010, the book is already becoming a local favorite for elementary schools and high schools, children and adults alike. Getting a behind the scenes view of what goes into promoting and developing the Frieda B. (soon to be) series is really interesting. Renata is an excellent advisor, who gives me great advice each day I work with her. I'm taking away plenty from my job; tidbits from how to get your work published to organizing events and even building my own future internship program.
Frieda B. Herself is an amazing children's book, and I'm not saying that just because the author is my advisor. The quality of the writing and illustrations is top notch and the message is even better: Dream your dreams big and believe they can be! Children have vivid, ever expanding imaginations, but the message applies to everyone. You should never let go of your dreams, from 5 to 95. The nicest thing is that Renata cares about the message of the book getting across to a captivated audience more than profiting, which is so nice to see in a world that's run with money.
Treat yourselves and buy Frieda B. Herself; for you, your siblings, your parents, and others you know. Go to FriedaB.com to find out the easiest way to get it, or to find out a list of retailers near you.