Friday, November 26, 2010


A bright pink dress with bows to stand out amongst others,

and a corsage boasting flowers and lace.

Young bodies sway and pose and stand

for their parents who invested so much in the day.

“Turn this way, darling” a mother squeals,

The explosive eruption of camera light

shines down on the kids of the neighborhood,

who adapt from blue-jean overalls to ball-gowns

and shaking rattles to slow dances.

One girl, coral dress, who had preened in front of her mirror,

lipstick tube gliding over her lips,

poses with her boyfriend, who

holds her waist

like you’d hold a photograph,

fingers unsure of where to be.

A boy in a black tux with an orchid boutonniere

toys with the notion of calling his date “beautiful”,

her hair up and doted with pearls and glitter.

A boy and girl stir at the thought of holding each others’ hands.

The heavy makeup and bursting energy will wear off in a few hours,

and the boys in their tuxes will still be too shy to say a thing to their dates,

but for now, their middle-age parents do their best

to capture another awkward moment in the life of their teenagers.

Locks-of-lovin' life!

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
New haircut!

I had ridiculously long hair about two hours ago, before I stepped into Insparations Spa, a cute place where I have gotten my hair cut many times. I had grown my hair for about two years, and once it hit a certain point, I decided it'd only make sense to donate my tresses. I chose Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program because they only require 8 inches, instead of the common 10. Having Laura, my usual hair dresser, snip off the ponytail wasn't sad at all. I mean, it WAS my hair, so naturally I was a little sad to see it go, but believe me, this hair hit it's peak a while ago. It got caught under backpacks, bags, people, you name it. I was ha
ppy to see it go. My hair was "inspired" by a short cut Jessica Simpson had, but thank god I don't look like her. Either way, I feel healthy, happy, and hairtastic. I recommend donating if you have long locks. It feels great and you know someone will "wear your hair" eventually.

Old photos of the hair:

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I flit around, scales constantly cool,

pecking what I want and glaring at the sun,

a golden harvest set above me in the sky.

I see you, you look programmed,

rotating and gliding through water, all so smoothly.

We go along together, sometimes,

to socialize at the reef or go spelunking.

Our tails propel us deeper into the blue:

French blue to cobalt to midnight,

so we can kiss in the quiet dark.

Then our lips swollen from pressure and water,

you and I become intoxicated,

so much so that I watch you drown,

slippery fin

s and waterlogged body,

and you drown below me.

I hover, while you and my heart sink.

There’s no thrashing, you’re sedated,

in an elevator to the ocean floor.

When you’re gone, no trace of you to follow.

I can’t tell the difference between all sorts of salt water,

what I make or what we had shared.

There’s no life around me then,

so I travel, sea scapes and rock beds,

but the community is quiet,

all swimming in x and y formation.

Without you, there are no other fish in the sea.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Spread Out!


Love is a





and friendship.




to be compassionate

themselves will tear down






who love. Lovers ARE fighters,

or they can be

breaking out boxing gloves to combat those who O N L Y

know hate. Hate for differences, hate for progression,

hate for anything

that I S N O T them.

Lovers bring C O L O R S and mAgiC into the world, and

with light ignorance or disinterest,

the C O L O R S are snuffed out.

and the world as we KNOW it

is black and
