Monday, August 23, 2010



Hey, It's a Small World After All

Another Top 5 List about Disney Vacations!

Top 5 Best Things about Going to Disney World-

1. The Culture and Diversity- The four different parks have been there for sometime, but every
time you travel to Disney, you find something new. One of my favorite thi
ngs I see each visit is the variety of employees. I love going to Epcot and meeting the young adults who represent the 11 different countries there. I also find that the American employees are really friendly. The fact that they love their jobs so much makes you feel right at home.
2. The food- Whether or not you're picking a turkey leg on a stick or an Italian pizza (the best I've ever had), the options are endless. You sort of have to pay an arm and a leg to get anything, but it's sometimes food you can't find anywhere else. It's nice that you can grab and go, sit down with the characters, or relax with your fake family at a specialty diner. You also can't forget about those tasty Mickey Waffles, or what might be the best cinnamon roll I've had from a cafe on Main Street USA in Magic Kingdom.
3. The Timelessness- Isn't it great that t
4. The stress relievers all over- Need a lift to your hotel? Sure. Don't want to
spend an hour in line for the new ride? Got it. Charge your purchases to your hotel key? No problem. Disney delivers! They sure should, too, because it's not cheap anymore. It extends beyond Disney World too. There are parks all over the world now, cruise lines, Disney Adventures, and more things to come. I happened to get a free ice cream and free park fast passes just for being nice! They really know how to make their guests feel welcome.he kids STILL love Dumbo, that It's A Small World is still recognized all over, and that the Tower of Terror still
has huge waiting times? There will always be some technological advancem
ent in the parks for shows or rides, but you'll always get to see your favorites too.
5. The Opportunity to Interact- Kids are princes and princesses at Disney. If you stop to see a parade or show, your child could easily become the star. It's all about making drea
ms come true. I stopped to watch "HIGHSCHOOLMUSICALSENIORYEAR" in Hollywood Studios, where they let the little children become the stars, dancing in front of the crowds. You can also become a singing superstar at American Idol Live, talk to a turtle at Turtle Talk with
Crush, or become a pirate in the Magic Kingdom at an informal pirate camp. Everyday there is an opportunity to get involved with a favorite attraction...
My Favorite Attractions/ Things to Do at Disney World

1. The Great Movie Ride (only when the driver is talented)
2. The Haunted Mansion
3. The 50's PrimeTime Cafe.
4. Space Mountain (though I sort of hate it too)
5. Splash Mountain
6. Spaceship Earth
7. Backlot Tour (it's gotten lamer)
8. The Boardwalk Hotel
9. Downtown Disney/ Ghiradelli Shop
10. The American Adve
nture Show
11. The Carousel of Progress
12. Midway Mania

A lot, but all good.


Sitting, back hunched, beside myself with apathy,
my fingers clench a pen that I wrap around that one tendril of mine.
I can't remember my natural hair color and that bothers me,
further provoking my agitation.
Where did I shift, or alter,
slow like a mighty mountain to release earth-shattering change.
I am not a perfect statue gracing the world,
and I am not where I should be in the grand scheme of things.
The ink from my pen spits in my hand,
licking and feeding today's new wounds.
If I had the drive to make a resolution,
it would be to connect and become an active part of the day.
I am no longer a witness to the crumbling formations
that construct my life.
I swear though, I will grow to be as attached as I am to this pen,
churning out ideas, writing my flaws.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Those Days

A poem for when you just feel tired.

There are those days,

where the rain might spit on your windowsill,

and you’ll realize you weren’t meant

to rise in some quick fashion.

Your lashes will poke into your pillowcase

and your body, mind will try collectively to let go of yesterday,

slowly though, because it’s all unfortunately only just beginning.

Your sheets will cool you off, necessary, too

because though there is a liquid sanctuary outside,

you’ll burn along with the world to shed your skin.

You’ll sit up, stomach aching,

and you’ll turn to face the reflecting glass

To find that somehow it’s still you,

the form laid down to sleep just seven hours ago,

or maybe six.

The pellets outside won’t heal the pangs you feel

behind your swollen eyes.

The eyes that only want to see one hundred tomorrows

instead of any other todays.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Crummy Endicott Haikus

Endicott Limericks and Haikus

“I’d like a coffee”

“Sure, can I see your gull card?”

“Here’s to a long night”

The summer, quite frankly, is near,

and college kids are all giving a cheer

But sports coaches are still coaching

And though our finals are approaching...

No worries, we’re almost in the clear!

Sitting in my class

Writing notes down is boring

Phew, it’s almost done

On the train with friends

Here comes the ticket puncher

“The family rate, please?”

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Connecticut Tragedy

My heart goes out to all of the families affected by August 3's massacre. It's a very sad event that shouldn't have ever taken place, and those hardworking men never should have been so troubled just doing their jobs. This is something that will only work to make our Connecticut communities stronger.

Just take some time to think about or help the families in need.

Thank you.