Monday, August 23, 2010
Hey, It's a Small World After All
Another Top 5 List about Disney Vacations!

Sitting, back hunched, beside myself with apathy,
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Those Days
There are those days,
where the rain might spit on your windowsill,
and you’ll realize you weren’t meant
to rise in some quick fashion.
Your lashes will poke into your pillowcase
and your body, mind will try collectively to let go of yesterday,
slowly though, because it’s all unfortunately only just beginning.
Your sheets will cool you off, necessary, too
because though there is a liquid sanctuary outside,
you’ll burn along with the world to shed your skin.
You’ll sit up, stomach aching,
and you’ll turn to face the reflecting glass
To find that somehow it’s still you,
the form laid down to sleep just seven hours ago,
or maybe six.
The pellets outside won’t heal the pangs you feel
behind your swollen eyes.
The eyes that only want to see one hundred tomorrows
instead of any other todays.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Crummy Endicott Haikus
Endicott Limericks and Haikus
“I’d like a coffee”
“Sure, can I see your gull card?”
“Here’s to a long night”
The summer, quite frankly, is near,
and college kids are all giving a cheer
But sports coaches are still coaching
And though our finals are approaching...
No worries, we’re almost in the clear!
Sitting in my class
Writing notes down is boring
Phew, it’s almost done
On the train with friends
Here comes the ticket puncher
“The family rate, please?”